JSON and Huddle
JSON 数据格式在 Web 开发中常用于传递数据到前端页面。
a: 1
b: "hello"
c: [4, 5, 6]
- Huddle - https://core.tcl-lang.org/tcllib
D {
a {num 1}
b {s "hello}
c {L {4 5 6}}
- dictL
- lists
- stringnum
- Numberb
- Booleannull
- null
就本质来说,Huddle 格式是由 [list $tag $data]
递归定义。最顶层节点的 tag 是 HUDDLE
# data is plain old tcl values
# spec is defined as follows:
# {string} - data is simply a string, "quote" it if it's not a number
# {list} - data is a tcl list of strings, convert to JSON arrays
# {list list} - data is a tcl list of lists
# {list dict} - data is a tcl list of dicts
# {dict} - data is a tcl dict of strings
# {dict xx list} - data is a tcl dict where the value of key xx is a tcl list
# {dict * list} - data is a tcl dict of lists
# etc..
proc compile_json {spec data} {
while [llength $spec] {
set type [lindex $spec 0]
set spec [lrange $spec 1 end]
switch -- $type {
dict {
lappend spec * string
set json {}
foreach {key val} $data {
foreach {keymatch valtype} $spec {
if {[string match $keymatch $key]} {
lappend json [subst {"$key":[
compile_json $valtype $val]}]
return "{[join $json ,]}"
list {
if {![llength $spec]} {
set spec string
} else {
set spec [lindex $spec 0]
set json {}
foreach {val} $data {
lappend json [compile_json $spec $val]
return "\[[join $json ,]\]"
string {
if {[string is double -strict $data]} {
return $data
} else {
return "\"$data\""
default {error "Invalid type"}
compile_json {list dict} $data
- list of dictcompile_json {list list} $data
- list of listcompile_json {dict * list} $data
- dict of list